- All Guests of Honor will be signing in the Mirage Room
- These are paid signings, each attendee will be charged per autograph. This includes: personal items (such as DVDs, manga, autograph books,wafer cards, figures, Funko Pops, etc.). If purchasing a print from the guest, the autograph is included.
- Autograph prices are determined by the Guests of Honor not by Anime Detour.
- Funko Pops or Figures – autograph prices are generally more expensive, please see the Guest Attendee if you have further questions about pricing.
- Please note: An attendee may be charged for an autograph on a badge or in the program guide. Please check with that Guest Attendee first.
- The guests will be selling their own items at the table. These items may include: prints, Funko Pops, voice recordings or selfies. Please check the booth for pricing.
- Guests have the right to refuse to sign inappropriate material, body parts, prop weapons or refuse to sign anything based on their individual discretion.
- Autograph times will be determined by the Guests
- The Guests of Honor will try to make themselves available as much as possible in the Mirage Room, outside of their scheduled panel times and breaks.
- Please join the Anime Detour Facebook page, for all the up to date guest signings during the convention.
- Other Policies
- Please be courteous when in line.
- Please no video recording or taking pictures without permission.
- Anime Detour Guest Staff has the right to close the line or cut the line when the guest needs to leave. We will do our best to notify the attendees in advance when the guest will be leaving.
- However, please remember if you are in line, you are not guaranteed an autograph.
- For our attendees with ADA/Accessibility needs, please notify a staff member and we will be able to escort you to the fast track.
- Anime Detour VIP
- Fast Track lane has been made available at each of the guest booths.
See the schedule for specific dates and times
Anime Detour Code of Conduct
- Use Common Sense, Respect your fellow attendees.
- No live steel, keep it tied and in the sheath at all times.
- No real guns! Nothing that fires a projectile of any kind. No Airsoft. See: Weapons & Prop Policy
- No fighting! This includes, Sparring, or Play fighting.
- Sleeping in hallways or convention spaces is not allowed.
- Misuse of any property or convention space may result in permanent confiscation and/or expulsion.
- Report stolen or damaged property and/or personal injury to Operations, do not try to take matters into your own hands.
- Please help us by respecting and following directions given from staff members.
- No Under Age Drinking! Anyone serving alcohol in their room MUST card! If you’re caught serving or enabling minors, you WILL be permanently ejected, face criminal charges and all of your liquor will be taken.
- If it is illegal outside the hotel, it is illegal in the hotel.
- Use Common Sense, Respect your fellow attendees! We work very hard to bring you this convention every year, please help us by following the rules and being polite and courteous to others.
General Notices:
Hennepin County, Minnesota Curfew:
This is a notice to all attendees under the age of 18 that the local municipality has a curfew ordinance. Please read their website for official information on all their policies. Hennepin County Curfew
Pets & Service Animal Policy:
Only Service Animals may accompany their disabled handler in accordance with local and federal law. Otherwise, please leave your pets at home. Anime Detour and does not allow pets at the convention.
Inside of the Convention Space
- !! All Badges MUST be visible at all times. Do not hide them nor cover them with your costume.
- This is a family friendly, PG-13 convention. Please refer to Big Blue below on what areas of the body must be covered at all times. If you do not adhere to these policies, you may be asked to change or leave the convention space.
- Adhere to the Weapons Policy, if you have any questions, please contact Operations.
- Watch the turning radius of your props (especially long items). The turning radius of some items has a tendency to hit other people in the legs. Therefore be careful how you move around.
- No sharp objects on your costume or costume props. We don’t want any person to get injured. Sharper items like swords must be sheathed and peace-bonded.
- If your costume or prop has any unsealed body paint, anything sticky, messy, or could leave a mark on a surface, you will be asked to change or put it away. (If you cannot touch a surface without leaving a mark, non-dry full body paint, etc)
- No profanity displayed on the clothing or costume.
- Cosplayers displaying potential religiously or politically offensive iconography: Please wear your costume with tact and discretion. If you go outside the convention area we recommend taking off such iconography.
- No realistic-looking state or federal law enforcement uniforms.
- Those who abuse this policy will be subject to removal from the convention without refund from the convention or the hotel.
- Clarifications on a Costume
A costume constitutes all parts of the outfit worn, carried, or recently discarded. A costume includes all accessories, props, and items with the person or group of cosplayers. Thus, subject to convention and hotel rulings.
Big Blue

Outside of the Convention Space
- !! No full face make-up/masks are allowed outside the convention spaces. This is for public safety.
- Keep weapon props in your rooms or properly enclosed for transportation. Local law enforcement will not know they are a prop and for your own safety you should refrain from putting yourself in situations that require you to explain your prop to law enforcement.
- Do not point your prop weapon at anyone, no exceptions!
- Be careful moving about with big props.
Picture Policy
- Move out of the flow of traffic when taking pictures.
- Yes, you may pose with your prop. However, don’t wave your prop around. Photoshoots are for posing not action.
- Do not point your prop weapon at anyone, no exceptions!
- Be careful moving about with big props.
Updated: January 2nd, 2023
As with all other Convention rules and guidelines, Anime Detour reserves the right to ask you to leave the convention and remove your badge if you cannot follow our updated COVID Policy, should changes occur. This policy is subject to change per any City, County, or State actions, requirements, and/or mandates (all of which Anime Detour intends to adapt and adhere to).
- Masks will be strongly encouraged but not required in the convention spaces.
- At this time, the City of Minneapolis, Hennepin County, and the State of Minnesota do not maintain or require face coverings or masking.
- Vaccination or negative test prior to the event is also strongly encouraged but will not be required for badge pick-up at Registration.
- In accordance with the CDC Guidelines, Anime Detour will be abiding by the COVID-19 County Check. This policy will be updated in accordance to any changes if and when they occur, from local to Federal level.
Anime Detour Dealer Room Rules/Conduct & Preparation
Make your Anime Detour Dealer Room experience this year the best it can be by reading the
following information.
Bag/Coat Check & Size Limitations
There is no Bag/Coat Check for the Exhibit Hall.
These can include, but are not limited to; large props, wide costumes, long trailing dresses, etc… Please leave these items somewhere safe and do not bring them into the Exhibit Hall. If a member of the Exhibit Hall staff determines your item is too large or obstructive, you will be asked to remove it before entering the Exhibit Hall.
Anime Detour is not responsible for any item(s) lost, stolen, damaged, etc…
Vendor Payment
Many vendors prefer cash and many hotel lobby ATMs run out of money quickly during the course of the convention. Plan ahead and stop by your local bank or home ATM and get spending cash!
Many vendors also accept credit/debit cards.
Shoplifting is not tolerated! Shoplifting will result in the revocation of your badge.
Mind Your Surroundings
Please be considerate to others while in the Exhibit Hall, especially those with special needs. – no pushing or shoving!
Picture Taking
The Exhibit Hall is not a place to pose for photo. Please exit the Exhibit Hall if someone asks to take a photo of your costume.
Do not take pictures of booths or merchandise without asking permission from the Vendor in charge.
Do not be disruptive while in the Exhibit Hall. Anime Detour reserves the right to remove people from the Exhibit Hall for inappropriate behavior.
Anime Twin Cities, Inc. Harassment Policy
Anime Twin Cities, Inc. (ATC) is dedicated to providing harassment-free event experiences for everyone regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, religion, or other protected status. We do not tolerate harassment of event participants in any form. Participants at ATC events violating these rules may encounter consequences or be expelled from the event without a refund at the discretion of the event organizers.
Harassment includes, but is not limited to offensive verbal comments related to: gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, religion, apparel, and costume. Other examples of harassment included are: sexual images in public spaces (with the exception of approved denoted spaces), deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, harassing photography or recording, sustained disruption of talks or other events, inappropriate physical contact, and unwelcome sexual attention. Participants asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately.
Exhibitors in designated areas, sponsor or vendor booths, or similar activities are also subject to the anti-harassment policy. In particular, exhibitors should not use sexualized images, activities, or other material, unless approved in writing prior to the ATC event. Exhibitors’ uniforms/clothing must comply with local modesty laws.
Discussion or images related to sex, pornography, discriminatory language, or similar is welcome if it meets all of the following criteria: (a) the organizers have specifically granted permission in writing, (b) it is necessary to the topic of discussion and no alternative exists, (c) it is presented in a respectful manner, especially towards women and LGBTQIA people, (d) attendees are warned in advance in the program and respectfully given ample warning and opportunity to leave beforehand. This exception specifically does not allow use of gratuitous sexual images as attention-getting devices or unnecessary examples.
If a participant engages in harassing behavior, ATC event organizers may take any action they deem appropriate, including warning the offender or expulsion from the event with no refund. If you are being harassed, witness someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, please contact a member of the event staff immediately. If the incident occurs at the ATC event Anime Detour, such reports should be brought to the attention of convention Operations which are identified by safety yellow vests and t-shirts.
ATC event staff will be happy to help participants contact hotel/venue security or local law enforcement, or otherwise assist those experiencing harassment to feel safe for the duration of the event. We value your attendance.
- Anime Twin Cities Board: atcboard@animetwincities.org
- Sexual Violence Center: 612-871-5111
- Suburban Taxi: 952-884-8888
- You may not charge an entry fee.
- You may not sell anything in your room party with the exception of registrations to other conventions.
- Voluntary tip jars are allowed, but you cannot deny anyone access to the party if they don’t tip. No minimum tip requests or suggested donations. You must keep your tip jars inside of the room at all times. At no time can they be removed and placed elsewhere (ex: hallways.)
- Monetary amount (even if it’s just a suggestion) + item or service = commerce. This is not allowed.
- At least one person in your group needs to be at least 18 years of age (at the time of the conventions), sober, and responsible during all party hours of operation.
- All room party hosts and volunteers must be registered for Anime Detour. No exceptions.
- While more than one host may be registered for a given room party, AT LEAST one of the hosts must be physically present, responsible, and sober AT ALL TIMES during the party’s hours of operation.
- Your party must welcome everyone wearing a current Anime Detour badge. If you are an age-restricted party, they must also show a legal form of identification. If you are hosting a 21+ party, One party host must check all IDs at the door.
- All room parties are subject to review for appropriate content.
- Anime Detour DOES NOT pay for your party room. All hosts are responsible for their own room costs and any fees they may incur.
- All room parties must be open for a minimum of 4 hours on Friday and 4 hours on Saturday.
- No room parties may be open before 3pm on Friday.
- Barring emergencies, parties must be open for all of their stated hours. If there is an emergency and the party needs to open late or close early, the party hosts should contact the Room Parties team at their office.
- You must post your party hours near your door, as a courtesy for our attendees so they know when you are open for partying!
Noise Levels
- If your music can be heard two rooms away, it is too loud.
- All speakers must be inside the room.
- If you would like help adjusting your noise levels, contact the Room Parties staff to assist you.
- In the event of noise or other complaints with regards to room parties they will first be handled by convention staff before being escalated to hotel staff if necessary.
- No fog machines.
- No dry ice.
- No open flame – including candles.
- Make sure your party does not violate other Anime Detour policies, such as the weapons policy.
- Strobe lights may be used, but you must put a sign or warning outside of the door for attendee’s sake.
- Blue painter’s tape is the only acceptable tape to use. Do not use any other type of tape.
- Do not cover or tamper with any thermostats, smoke detectors, or fire sprinklers.
- No smoking or vaping of any substance is allowed.
- No distribution of any drugs or cannabis products (gummies, vapes, joints, etc) to any guests at your room party.
Serving Alcohol
- Parties may only serve alcohol during their stated open hours.
- You must card for a valid government-issued ID before serving any alcohol, even if the attendee looks old enough. The person checking IDs must be sober. No exceptions. This is for your own benefit with regards to MN liquor laws and statutes.
- Attendees are not allowed to leave your room with alcohol. If someone does leave your room with a drink or is making a scene about it, please notify Anime Detour staff as they are responsible for enforcing convention policies.
- Serving alcohol to someone who is already visibly intoxicated is known as over-serving. Use your best judgment to avoid over-serving, you are responsible for your room party.
- Authorities will be contacted if there are reports of underage drinking or attendees not being carded.
- For more information, please review Minnesota’s liquor laws and statutes.
- If it’s illegal outside the hotel, it’s illegal inside the hotel.
- The Hyatt is a non-smoking hotel. The smoking area is in front of the hotel, just outside the doors that lead to Main Programming.
- Hotel policy is that no furniture in the rooms may be moved for any reason, with the exception of chairs. Please contact Room Parties if you would like to request the hotel to remove the bed or sofa from the room. We will review each on a case by case basis and, if approved, Anime Detour will cover these costs. Otherwise, if you do not reach out and proceed to remove items, you will be charged a fine for moving furniture without permission
We want to help you to have the most fun as you possibly can, however, in the case that any of these rules are broken, we reserve the right to shut any party down as we see fit. This ensures the safety of everyone and makes it so that we can continue hosting Room Parties for years to come.
General Disclaimer:
The Anime Detour Operations Department will have final word on inappropriate weapons and props. If it is illegal outside the hotel, it is illegal at the convention! Do NOT do it or bring it to the convention. The convention holds the sole right to modify these policies at anytime.
If an attendee has any questions or concerns, please e-mail the convention after reading through the following posted information. We would rather attendees be informed of our policies ahead of time. We would rather not take things away or ask an attendee to change into something more appropriate. We want everyone to have a safe time at Anime Detour and have Lots of fun!
For weapon/prop questions please contact Operations
Weapon Policy
We want everyone to have a safe and enjoyable time at Anime Detour. Please adhere to the following policy, or risk being uninvited to the convention without refund from the convention or hotel. If there is a question about an item being allowed, please take it up with our Operations department ahead of time or at the convention. The convention holds the sole right to modify these policies at anytime.
- All Prop Weapons will need to be piece-bonded and/or holstered and/or at your side at all times, except for brief moments for photography.
- If Operations asks you to put an item away, please don’t argue. Just store the item in question.
- Please use common sense with your weapon/prop, otherwise Operations will need to confiscate it.
- Don’t wave items around. There are many people at Anime Detour and we don’t want anyone accidentally hurt.
- If it is illegal outside the hotel, it is illegal inside the hotel.
- Don’t carry black prop guns outside the hotel grounds. You don’t want confusion with a run in with the police.
- Watch the turning radius of your props (especially long items)! The “turning” radius of some items has a tendency to hit other people. Therefore be careful how you move around.
- Prop guns should not look realistic, please mark and seal the tips with orange color.
- Peace-Bonding and marking materials will be available from Operations.
Allowed Weapons and Props
- Prop/Toy Weapons
Total black colored props that are allowed must have a taped bright colored tip to signify compliance
Bow & Arrows (Bow should be stringed at one end and wrapped at the other end and taped down [Non-functional])
Arrows (Please tape the notches and secure in quiver so they cannot be removed, remove all sharp tips). - Swords (sheathed and peace-bonded at all times, even during photography)
- Sharp Knives (sheathed and peace-bonded at all times, even during photography)
- Replicas (non-sharp, non-metal), and obvious fakes are okay
- Bokken (wooden swords must be holstered at side when not taking pictures)
- Staffs and other cosplay props.
- General props
- Rendered inoperable NERF and similar toys (internal mechanisms must be removed)
Banned Items and Props
- All Projectile Weapons:
- Guns, Airsoft Guns, Paintball Guns,
- Rayguns (those that emit light, sound, or liquid,etc.)
- (except for NERF toys rendered inoperable)
Conceal & carry of real firearms / weapons
- Anime Detour does not allow guns and other projectile weapons on the premises. Projectiles including but not limited to: bullets, pellets, water, laser, noise, paintballs, etc. If it has a firing mechanism, it is not allowed.
Modified projectiles will not be allowed either, if it has had the capability to fire when it was created, it is not allowed. - No Open Swords, Knifes, or Sharp Items
- No realistic-looking state or federal law enforcement uniforms.
- No ammunition is allowed
- No sharp objects on costumes or prop
(People don’t want to be poked by a sharp object in the hallway).
We are repeating this again, No Airsoft!
No Projectile weapons of any kind!
If an attendee has a question about their item, please contact Operations.
Staff have final word on this matter.
*Updated Jan 8th, 2023